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Catherine Lang

C. Lang Consulting
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Catherine has worked in management and consulting with social economy organizations for over 25 years. Through her consulting practice, C. Lang Consulting, Catherine partners with national, provincial, and community based groups with a key focus on innovation in community and economic development.

Catherine’s work engages funders, nonprofits, academics, networks, local governments and emerging community groups in partnership development, evaluation, program design, knowledge creation and social entrepreneurship.

As an independent consultant and past manager of the Ontario Co-operative Association she has extensive experience in co-op development and social enterprise coaching. She is an editor of the 2011 edition of the Canadian Social Enterprise Guide produced by ENP BC (http://www.enterprisingnonprofits.ca/projects/the_guide  and co-founder of the Rural Social Enterprise Constellation (http://www.theonn.ca/rural-social-enterprise-constellation/).

In addition to numerous reports and feasibility studies, she has co-authored papers, tools and guides for communities, including: Innovation Pathways: Tools for Rural & Northern Community Innovation, 2006; Strengthening Collaboration in the Not-for-Profit Sector (Ontario Trillium Foundation); and Building Collaboration in and with the Nonprofit Sector (ONN), 2010. She recently completed work on a free online platform for nonprofit collaboration called Collaboration Coach, with Capacity Builders, the training arm of the Ontario Community Support Association. (www.capacitybuilders/collaborationcoach/)

Catherine holds a Masters degree in Adult Education as well as a BA in Sociology and Philosophy and a Bachelor of Social Work